技术世界是一个独特的世界,在设备使用方面,“什么是热门的”和“什么不是”的概念支配着这个世界. The end user calls the shots, 人们的偏好在不断变化,电子设备也在以前所未有的速度变化.

从传统的桌面到高度通用的移动世界越来越受欢迎. Users are becoming more demanding. Their attention span is dwindling, 他们对即时满足的渴望正以惊人的速度增长, 特性和功能是这个不断扩展的程序世界的“全部和最终”, gadgets, and gizmos.

If you’re engaging or specialising in software development因此,了解软件行业的最新趋势是至关重要的. 在这里,我们将探讨2016年出现的五大软件开发趋势.

#1 Java and C++ is Declining in Popularity

Java and C++

One of the most noticeable software development trends 是Java和c++作为编程语言的衰落吗. Naturally, 这种下降并不一定意味着这两种编程语言很快就会过时. 它只是表明,定制软件开发人员正在选择更多地使用较新的编程语言,并选择消除对Java和c++的强烈使用.

To date, 有这两种语言经验的人仍然有大量的工作机会. Upon closer examination of these positions, 您将看到这些工作更倾向于维护和支持,而不是软件开发过程, such as programming.

#2 Cloud Computing is Gaining Popularity

Cloud Computing is Gaining Popularity

现在看到大公司在其关键操作方面正式采用NoSQL策略并选择 cloud computing processes, in terms of data placement. Windows 10被认为是在线操作系统的官方前身.

Android现在正全力准备在Chrome中推出Windows 10对应版本. Spark is even taking on new projects with cloud computing. 每天,云计算都在开发新形式的功能和增加的特性. As more software development is taking place, 云计算在这个过程中起着主导作用.

#3 Apache Spark’s Open-Source Technology

Apache Spark

现在我们已经简要介绍了Spark是如何利用云计算的, it is time to highlight Apache Spark as one of the most popular trends in the custom software development industry. Apache Spark是一个完全开源的处理引擎.

许多人认为这将彻底改变IT行业. If you’re in the process of developing software, you should take advantage of Apache Spark. In doing so, you can be rest assured that the tools, features, 与您的程序相关联的服务是最新的,并且被认为与您的最终用户相关.

#4 Real-Time Features and Functionality

Real-Time Features and Functionality

When it comes to software development trends, 实时特性和功能排名非常高. In recent years, 移动技术已经起飞并被互联网用户广泛接受, worldwide.

在世界上几乎任何地方都可以轻松访问信息和操作功能,这使得用户渴望越来越多的即时满足. As a result, 人们对提供可视功能的定制软件有着巨大的需求, do, and shop in real-time. Internet users no longer want to wait. The expectation is ‘now’. If you’re a software development specialist, 在程序中集成实时组件是必要的.

#5 Responsive Web is No Longer Enough

Software Programs Responsive Design

我们都知道手机市场正在快速发展. 虽然响应式设计对网站的成功至关重要,但这已经不够了. Software programs must have a responsive design, too. Consumers are demanding real-time speeds, real-time solutions, and features that move in accordance with real-time.

When creating custom software, it’s imperative to use not only a real-time design, 但是当你的用户从一个移动设备转换到另一个移动设备时,它也是100%响应的. For example, 如果你的客户在家里的电脑上开始在线购物, 他们应该能够在笔记本电脑上完成这个过程, their tablet, or their smartphone.


企业、公司和组织都在精心设计的软件程序上运行. 这些定制软件工具为他们提供了在全球范围内推出产品和服务的能力,只需按一下按钮. 如果你努力向前发展,你的竞争优势将是保持敏捷的能力. 软件开发为您提供了在不断发展的市场中最大化您的生产力水平和优化您的效率所需的工具, if you keep yourself and your practices up to date. To learn more about how custom software development can power efficiency for your business, get in touch today for a free consultation!